Performance and returns

You can view and compare our investment option performance below.



High Growth
Balanced Growth
Returns as at 30 November 2024

The information on this page shows the rates of return that the investment options have achieved over the year to date, and over longer periods. The performance returns shown are calculated net of investment fees and transaction costs.  

The returns are based on unit prices of each investment option calculated as at the end of the month. Unit prices are based on the latest available investment valuations at the time of calculation, which means they could be 1 or 2 days behind the current market indices.  

These returns do not necessarily reflect your individual rate of return. Your individual rate depends on the timing of the transactions on your account, any switches you have made and the actual mix of options that your account has been invested in.    

Returns are not guaranteed and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The trustee takes no responsibiltiy for you acting on the information provided. Any decision that you make is at your own risk.