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The above fees and costs are correct as at 22 November 2024.
1 Investment fees and costs include an amount for performance fees. Investment fees and costs are indicative only and may change in subsequent years depending on (for example) the investment manager’s performance and indirect costs incurred in underlying investments.
2 Transaction costs are estimates based on the Fund’s experience for the 2023/24 financial year and may vary in future years.
3 The dollar-based administration fee will be indexed at 1 July 2025, and each 1 July after that, for changes in the Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) index. You may be eligible for a reduction in the asset administration fee deducted directly from your account depending on the size of your employer’s plan. See the Product Disclosure Statement for more information.
4 Other fees and costs may apply, including activity fees, insurance fees, buy-sell spreads and advice fees (for personal advice). See the Product Disclosure Statement for more information.
5 The Risk Band is based on regulated Standard Risk Measure guidelines.
Variations in actual allocations of assets may occur from time to time for various reasons, such as the result of market fluctuations. If financial markets become unstable, we may take strategic action (including changing the allocation of assets) to protect the Fund’s assets. Decisions are made with reference to the length of time the instability is expected to persist. Market conditions are monitored constantly for this purpose.
Returns are not guaranteed and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.