• smartMonday Group Insurance

    • Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 298, ETL) 

    • Equity Trustees Wealth Services Limited (ABN 33 006 132 332, ETWSL).

    The trustee, ETL, and ETWSL are all subsidiaries of EQT Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX Code: EQT). The roles played by ETL and ETWSL in certain investments of the fund are as follows:

    • EQT Mortgage Income Fund – ETWSL is Responsible Entity, ETL is the investment manager; 

    • EQT Cash Management Fund – ETL is the Responsible Entity and investment manager;

    • ETL is the investment manager of the Australian Equity and Fixed Income mandates.

    ETL may also from time to time be the Responsible Entity for other underlying managers of the fund that are not part of EQT Holdings Limited.

    Transactions between ETSL in its capacity as trustee and its related companies are conducted on normal commercial terms.

      • smartMonday PRIME TESF - ASC Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Corporate Super Plan (for employees of Allianz)
      • smartMonday PRIME- Aon Group Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME – Brisbane Racing Club Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Crane Australia Pty Limited Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Endeavour Foundation Staff Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - GEA Process Engineering Australia Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Harsco Rail Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME – IMB Defined Benefit Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Isuzu Australia Limited Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Sydney Turf Club Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Teys Bros (Beenleigh) Pty Ltd Staff Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Thames Water Asia/Pacific Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME- United Airlines Inc. Australian Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME TESF - Valvoline Australia Superannuation Plan
      • smartMonday PRIME - Yum! Australia Superannuation Plan