Corporate Super Plan

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smartMonday PRIME documents

Product Disclosure Statement - PRIME

Insurance guide - PRIME

Summary of your employer plan insurance arrangements - Corporate Super Plan

How smartMonday Works Guide

smartMonday PENSION documents

Product Disclosure Statement - Pension

Member kit (forms) - PENSION

Special fee arrangements - PENSION - Allianz

A policy committee is made up of employer and member representatives. While a policy committee cannot make decisions that affect the employer plan, it plays an important role as a link between the trustee, the members and employer-sponsors.

Employer Plan

Elected by Employer Plan members

Appointed by the Employer

Corporate Super Plan

Kevin Murphy

Rebecca Thomson


Michelle Houghton

Policy committees give members the opportunity, through their representatives, to ask questions about their employer plan’s operation, investment strategy and performance, and member communications. Similarly, the trustee can ask a policy committee to obtain the views of members and the employer, and to help with enquiries and complaints.