• Downsizing contributions now apply to those aged 55 and older (previously it was 60 and older)

  • Childcare subsidies will increase up to 90% from July 2023 for families earning less than $530,000
  • Paid parental leave will increase to 26 weeks by 2026
  • Pensioners will have home sales’ proceeds exempt from the pension assets test for 12-24 months
  • Seniors health cards will be available to single self-funded retirees earning $90,000 or less a year ($144,000 for couples)

  • Housing Australia Future Fund will be set up to manage investments from super and institutions into affordable housing in the years ahead
  • Healthcare improvements of $2.9 billion including Medicare Urgent Care Clinics
  • Energy transmission fund of $20 billion to be established to drive investment in renewable energy
  • Nursing home residents to have access to a registered nurse and receive a minimum amount of care