Service update: Our member service and coach teams’ operating hours will be a little different over the holiday season. Please see our Contact Us page for details.

Important information


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Target Market Determination (TMD) - smartMonday PRIME and PRIME TESF

The purpose of this Target Market Determination (TMD) is to require issuers and distributors of smartMonday superannuation products to have a consumer centric approach in the product design and distribution, and to help consumers obtain financial products appropriate for their needs.

Target Market Determination (TMD) - smartMonday PENSION

The purpose of this Target Market Determination (TMD) is to require issuers and distributors of smartMonday pension product to have a consumer centric approach in the product design and distribution, and to help consumers obtain financial products appropriate for their needs.

Target Market Determination (TMD) - smartMonday Group Insurance

The purpose of this Target Market Determination (TMD) is to require issuers and distributors of smartMonday superannuation products to have a consumer centric approach in the product design and distribution, and to help consumers obtain financial products appropriate for their needs.

Other documents

Target Market Determination (TMD) - AIA Australia Priority Protection

Target Market Determination (TMD) - AIA Professional Insurance Portfolio

Target Market Determination (TMD) - MetLife Protect Super


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Update for smartMonday PRIME and smartMonday PRIME TESF - 1 July 2024

Standard cover - minimum levels (based on your age) for Death and Total and permanent disablement from 1 July 2024.

Product Disclosure Statement - PRIME

A summary of the important information about your smartMonday PRIME account, including investments, insurance, and fees.

How smartMonday Works Guide

This guide gives you more information about smartMonday PRIME, including fees and costs, the investment optionsavailable to you,super rules and taxation.

Other documents

Insurance guide - PRIME

Details of the insurance options available to you.

Employer Kit - PRIME

Contains the application form for employers to participate in the fund.

Member Kit - PRIME

Contains the application form for members to participate in the fund.

Product Disclosure Statement - Pension

A summary of the important information about your smartMonday PENSION account, including investments and fees.

Member kit (forms) - PENSION

Contains the application form to open your pension or transition-to-retirement pension account.

Product Disclosure Statement - PRIME TESF

A summary of the important information about your smartMonday PRIME TESF account, including investments, insurance, and fees.

Insurance Guide - PRIME TESF

Details of the insurance options in your smartMonday account.

How smartMonday PRIME TESF Works Guide

This guide gives you more information about smartMonday PRIME TESF, including fees and costs, the investment optionsavailable to you, super rules and taxation.

FreshFood insurance guide - PRIME TESF

Information about the insurance arrangements for members of FreshFood Superannuation Plan.

AIA Australia Priority Protection PDS

Product Disclosure Statement - Retail Insurance Division

AIA Australia Priority Protection PDS – Incorporated by reference material

Product Disclosure Statement - Retail Insurance Division

AIA Professional Insurance Portfolio (PIP Doquile Perrett Meade (DPM) PDS

Product Disclosure Statement - Retail Insurance Division

MetLife Protect and MetLife Protect Super PDS

Product Disclosure Statement - Retail Insurance Division

Zurich Insurance-only Superannuation Plan PDS

Product Disclosure Statement - Retail Insurance Division