Whether joining smartMonday via your participating employer, or directly with us, smartMonday PRIME has got you covered.

Checkout the details below.

PRIME Product Disclosure Statement


smartMonday PRIME offers multiple investment options for you to choose when fine-tuning your investment portfolio. PLUS, with PRIME you get the smartMonday Lifecycle (MySuper) option which employs our ‘Lifecycle’ investment approach; it automatically adjusts the investment mix as you progress through your working week – gradually reducing your exposure to risk as you approach your big weekend.


Fee breakdown1 Fee amount On a $50,000 balance you'd pay...
Administration fees p.a.2 0.485% + $72 $314.50
Investment fees p.a.3 0.295% $147.50
Transaction costs p.a.3 0.052% $26


Total fees and costs p.a.

Insurance cover is automatically provided to eligible members for Death, Total & Permanent Disablement, and Income Protection.

And with smartMonday, it’s super easy to increase your cover, change it or cancel it.5

If you are joining smartMonday PRIME via your participating employer, they will send us your details so that we can set-up an account for you. Once done you will receive a 'Welcome pack' advising your new member number and other details of your membership including fees and insurance.

If you are joining smartMonday PRIME directly, then you will need to complete the 'Member' kit application form and submit it to us to complete the set-up of your account.

Administration fees p.a.2 0.485% + $72
Investment2 0.24% p.a. – 0.78% p.a. depending on the investment options you choose
Administration3 0.36% p.a.
Investment fees p.a.3 0.295%
Transaction costs p.a.3 0.052%
Membership4 $72 p.a. ($6 per month)
5. Before making a decision about insurance you should consider whether it suits your financial circumstances and needs, and where appropriate, you may wish to seek financial advice.