Service update: Our member service and coach teams’ operating hours will be a little different over the holiday season. Please see our Contact Us page for details.

What we invest in
Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

Want to know the nuts and bolts of where your money is invested? Then look no further, we’ve got the ticket for you, below we’ve provided links to a wealth of knowledge on just that.

Super investments

Looking for detail on super investments, click on the buttons below to access our comprehensive data to peruse at your heart’s content ! Note that this data is updated twice a year at 31 December and 30 June and the current effective date is displayed on each document. You are able to view the content in both PDF and .csv formats.

Pension investments

Looking for detail on pension investments, click on the buttons below to access our comprehensive data to peruse at your heart’s content ! Note that this data is updated twice a year at 31 December and 30 June and the current effective date is displayed on each document. You are able to view the content in both PDF and .csv formats.