• Binding death benefit nomination - This type of nomination stays in force for a three-year period and should something happen to you, if the nomination is valid2, the Trustee must pay the balance of your superannuation account (including an insurance benefit, if applicable) to beneficiaries in the proportions stipulated in your nomination.
  • Non-binding death benefit nomination - This type of nomination provides a guide for the Trustee when deciding who should receive the balance of your superannuation account (including an insurance benefit, if applicable). The Trustee has ultimate discretion on who receives the benefit and how much each beneficiary receives. A non-binding nomination does not have an expiry date and therefore, does not need to be renewed.
  • A reversionary death benefit nomination - This type of nomination allows you to nominate your spouse, in the event of your death, to receive your pension balance as a continuing income stream rather than be forced to take it as a lump sum.

To make a binding death benefit nomination;

  1. A reversionary nomination must be made at the time you establish your pension account. It is part of the pension account application process.
  2. Beneficiaries are limited to your spouse or de-facto